Land Stewards
Committee Members
Katy Nunn
Linda Patterson
David Torres
Marshall Waldron
Carrie Koplinka-Loehr, Chair
Matt Donahue
Lisa Gwiazda (Board liaison and past chair)
Clark Hinsdale
2022-2023 Activities
The Land Stewards met monthly for the past year to help preserve the natural beauty and biodiversity of Long Point’s land and waters.
Mowing, Landscaping, and Trails
In 2022, Audubon Vermont began helping us inventory and develop a strategy for encouraging bobolinks and other grassland birds in our large fields. North America has lost 53% of its grassland bird populations since 1970 due to habitat destruction, and they think we could help remedy that. Last year the large fields were not mowed during nesting season, nor will they be mowed this year, and we have already noted that bobolinks are visiting the fields. Land Stewards plan to participate in Audubon Vermont’s 2023 survey of bobolinks and Savannah sparrows.
In June 2023 we created a perimeter trail around the large fields so residents could walk off-road and appreciate the beauty of Long Point land. It can be accessed via the gardens, the stump dump entrance, or Bay Road near the start of the fishing access road.
For our landscaped turf, we drafted 2023 mowing recommendations for the Board to review that include raising the mower height to encourage deep rooting; leaving some common areas unmown to encourage flowering plants; and increasing natural vegetation in highly erodible areas. We continue to communicate and coordinate with Pleasant Valley about mowing practices.
At the next Clean-up Day, we plan to place wood chip skirts around the trees on Long Point Road and at LaFlam Park so that mowers will not damage the tree bark.
Land Stewards reviewed the draft Land Management Plan several times this year and Katy Nunn continues to work on the document with that committee. Katy is also serving on Ferrisburgh’s Trail Committee and will share information in both directions as the town develops its trail network.
We arranged for Elizabeth Thompson, a former conservation scientist with the Vermont Land Trust, to lead a free walking tour of Long Point lands on Saturday, June 24 to share the wonders of our land with residents.
Future Projects
Host a Composting and Recycling Workshop on Saturday, July 29, 2023, 10:00 a.m. at the gardens with Emily Johnston of Addison County Solid Waste.
Draft long-term plans for Long Point land.
Work with the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Farm Services Agency to become a cooperating landowner. The Board has approved this step and we hope to qualify for technical assistance and grants for land conservation.
We arranged with Bee the Change to create two pollinator gardens near the flag pole. Last fall these were plowed and planted in buckwheat, crimson clover, and perennials, and many have already bloomed. Bee the Change has erected educational signs and a bee house and their staff will deliver a pollinator talk at “Beverages by the Bees” on July 28, 2023, at the pollinator garden.
In July 2022 we met with Lake Wise staff to assess stormwater run-off issues, habitat preservation, and options for land conservation at Long Point. We then summarized some of the recommendations, enhanced the information with on-site photographs, and shared that document with the Board. We and the Board are gradually addressing erosion and other issues and working with Ward Preston on strategies.