Everything you need to know

Building Permits &

Building Permits

Welcome to the Building Permits and Policies page! As a valued member of our community, we understand the importance of maintaining a beautiful and safe neighborhood. To help achieve this goal, we have established guidelines and permit requirements for any construction or renovation projects within our community. On this page, you will find essential information about obtaining building permits, understanding our policies, and ensuring your project complies with our community's standards. Our aim is to support you in enhancing your property while preserving the integrity and appeal of our neighborhood.

The following projects require a Long Point Corporation Permit:

Sue Lackey's Shed Long Point VT
  • Addition of a new structure, including sheds, garages, or gazebos.

  • Site work on a property that adds walls or makes major changes to the pitch of the land to affect water run-off. This includes the installation and repair of permanent cement docks.

Garage At Long Point
  • Alteration of an existing structure, including changing the slope or height of a roof; adding a dormer, deck or bedroom; adding square footage or expanding or altering the footprint of the structure; or tearing down and rebuilding any part of a structure.

Lake Champlain Vermont Long Point
  • Erosion control between lake and land, including shoreline repairs and retaining walls.

  • Wastewater/septic repairs or upgrades to remedy a recurring or major system failure or projects that require entering the leach field.

White Icon of Stamp of Approval

In addition to a permit from the Long Point Corporation, will I need a permit from any government agencies?

If you are considering construction or alteration of any land within 24.75 feet of the centerline of Bay Road, you will need to submit an application for an 1111 permit to the Town in advance of any proposed changes. 1111 Permit FAQs. To learn about the requirements of the permit process, including other required government permits, see below.

The Request for a Building Permit (LPC-4) outlines the requirements for obtaining this permit. Note that there is a moratorium on new wells at Long Point.


Cedar Shake Siding Long Point VT

The following projects do not require a permit:

Replacement of siding or roofs (unless altering roof pitch or height).

  • Replacement or addition of doors or windows.

  • Internal changes that do not involve the addition of bedrooms.

  • Normal lawn repairs.

  • Replacement of an existing pump on a wastewater system or well currently in active service.

For further explanation of guidelines and requirements, please see Permit Guidelines for New Construction, Renovations, Land Alteration, and Wastewater Systems.  Links to all forms are below, or you may contact the LPC secretary at (802) 545-2067 or longpointcorp@gmavt.net.

Downloadable Forms, Guidelines, & Policies


Permit Guidelines for New Construction, Renovations, Land Alteration, and Wastewater Systems

Request for a
Building Permit (LPC-4) FORM

Request for a Permit to
Raise a Structure

Right of Way/Utility Permit (1111) FORM



Inspection of Wastewater Disposal System (LPC-2) FORM



Commonland & Water Access

Common Land Water Access Policy

VT Shoreland Protection Act

Sale & Rental Info

More info on the Sale & Rental Page

Guidelines For Transferring a Property

Affidavit of Noncommercial Purpose for Trust, Limited Partnership, or LLC FORM

Camp Rental Agreement