please drive slowly •
please drive slowly •
Despite MULTIPLE additions of speed humps all over Long Point AND the reduction of the speed limit on North Road to 5 MPH, some people STILL continue to drive too fast.
We have people walking, children and pets playing, and we need to do everything we can to protect them! Driving too fast also kicks up the dust unnecessarily and helps to destroy our roads.
This means we are ALL paying more to maintain our roads. Please tell your family, friends, guests, and renters that driving slowly is everyone’s responsibility. Thank you to all the Long Pointers who drive slowly!
Important DATES
MAY 1 - Water On
The official date that the water is turned on at Long Point - barring any unforeseen circumstances.
October 31 - Water Off
The day the water is shut off for the season.
Other Annual Events
From Ice cream socials to jam sessions and cocktails, check out our calendar of events here.